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Let's assume the customer is interested in gathering statistic information about the service. With this prototype a report for how this service is used will be accomplished. With the knowledge of average kilometers per hour e.g. one can assume that around the station there is heavy traffic or other factors which reduce biking speed. Besides that the customer wants to get statistics over a period of time. The summer month will differ from the winter month in many aspects. How much slower the bikers go e.g. will be able to see.
The prototype provides the city bike customer a route-drawing visualization for each station by measuring the traffic between the different stations. The line-thickness and color depend on the frequency usage. Furthermore there is a scatterplot which shows us the duration of the driving time on the x-axis and the driven kilometers on the y-axis. So you can say, this scatterplot shows us the station, with the fastest cyclists. There is also the possibility to filter those visualizations by month. In the end, there is also a barchart, which could show for example the different damagereports.